Your Journey to Homeownership Starts with Carlene
Let me help you find your way to your new home. With years of experience in the real estate industry, I’ve helped many clients find their perfect home. From start to finish, I am committed to making the process as smooth as possible. Contact me today for a personalized consultation.

All About Fayetteville
Welcome to your new home! As a seasoned mover, I know that relocating can be stressful and overwhelming. That's why I've put together a comprehensive list of things to do near you. These activities are designed to help you discover the best your new city has to offer, from exploring local restaurants and bars to finding new hiking trails and parks. I hope this list helps you feel more at home and excited about your new surroundings. So grab your guide and start exploring!
List of Utilities
Public Works Commission: 910-483-1382 https://www.faypwc.com/establishing-service/
Duke Progress Energy: 800-452-2777 https://www.duke-energy.com/home/start-stop-move
South River Electric Membership Corp. 800-338-5530 http://www.sremc.com/content/new-member-information
Central Electric Membership Corp. 919-774-4900 https://cemcpower.com/sign-up-for-service/13/
Lumbee River Electric 910-843-4131 https://www.lumbeeriver.com/membership/become-a-member/
SunPower: 800-786-7693
Aqua America 877-987-2782 https://www.aquaamerica.com/customer-service-center/important-information.aspx
Harnette County Department of Public Utilities: 910-893-7575 https://harnett.seamlessdocs.com/f/waterusersagreement​
Hillcrest-Scurlock Water Supply: 910-875-7942
Hoke County Public Works: 910-875-6704 http://www.hokecounty.net/index.aspx?NID=519
North West Water: 910-875-4412
Public Works Commission: 910-482-1382 https://www.faypwc.com/establishing-service/
Raeford City Limits Water: 910-875-8161
Piedmont Natural Gas: 800-752-7504 https://www.piedmontng.com/about/aboutpng/customerservice/service.aspx
Cable & Internet
Spectrum: 866-874-2389 or 877-566-4892
Century Link: 910-864-9011
Dish Network: 888-283-7506
DirectTV 888-795-9488
Trash Pickup:
All American Sanitation – 910-484-8576
All-Points Waste Service – 910-844-2515
Cashwell Sanitation Service – 910-305-2917
City of Fayetteville Environmental Services – 910-433-1329
Cumberland Garbage – 910-483-7100
J.P. Sons Sanitation – 910-670-0272
Jacobs Trash – 910-483-6359
South River Sanitation – 910-580-1356
Southview Sanitation – 910-424-7007
Town of Hope Mills, Solid Waste – 910-424-4555
Town of Spring Lake – 910-497-3390
Waste Industries – 910-423-4122
Waste Management – 910-488-2827